Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care

A clinically significant impairment in a person's ability to regulate their emotions, think clearly, or behave in certain ways, are indication of mental illness. It is typically accompanied with distress or impairment in significant areas of functioning in the person's life. The state of our mental health affects how we feel, think, act, and behave, including how we cope with stressful events in our lives and our resilience to bear the emotional struggle in a distressing situation. Mental health professionals at Samvedna Care help you to understand your concerns and cope with the challenges in a positive manner.

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According to the World Health Organization 2022 data, Indians experience 3.8 crore cases of anxiety disorders and 5.6 crore cases of depression. Overall, it is estimated that 6-7 % of Indian population suffers and receives a mental illness diagnosis. 

According to NIMHANS data 2022, more than 80% of Indians do not use healthcare facilities due to a variety of factors, including ignorance, stigma, and excessive costs of care. Since 1990, there has been no global indication of a decline in the impact of mental diseases on health.

Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care


Mental illnesses are a broad category of conditions that can influence a person's thoughts, perceptions, feelings, and behaviors. It may be difficult for someone who has a mental condition to balance their relationships, profession, and other responsibilities. Stress can exacerbate a mental illness episode, even though the relationship between stress and mental illness is complex. The majority of people can manage their mental diseases with medication, treatment, or a combination of the two. The following list includes some prevalent mental disorders and conditions related to mental health:


Depression is characterized by frequent, abrupt shifts in mood, cognitive patterns, and motivation that last at least two weeks. Changes in cognitive patterns frequently involve depressing and gloomy thoughts. Additionally, depression might have an impact on eating, weight, or sleep/energy.


Everyone can feel anxious, but if the symptoms are severe and persistent—often interfering with daily life—it may be an anxiety disorder.

Mental illness
Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care

Bipolar Disorder

Dramatic changes in a person's mood, energy level, and capacity for thought are brought on by bipolar disorder. Mania and depression, which are extreme high and low moods experienced by someone with this illness. Some people can be symptom-free for many years between episodes.

Eating Disorders

The deliberate alteration of food intake to the degree where physical health or social behaviors are impacted is what defines eating disorders.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessions and compulsions are the repetitive activities that an individual feels compelled to carry out as a result of intrusive, recurring thoughts that characterize OCD.


It can be challenging for a person to distinguish between what is real and what isn't while they are experiencing psychosis, which is defined as disturbances to their thoughts and perceptions.


The symptoms of schizophrenia impair a person's capacity for rational thought, emotional control, decision-making, and interpersonal interaction. Additionally, it makes people lose their sense of reality, frequently manifesting as hallucinations and delusions.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

A number of physiological and psychological reactions are related to PTSD. It can happen to those who have gone through or witnessed a traumatic incident like a war, an accident, a rape, a natural disaster, a major accident, a terrorist act, or anything similar.

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Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care


Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care

The treatment for mental health concerns have advanced enormously. Because of this, many mental health diseases can now be treated with almost as much success as physical illnesses.
Most treatments for mental health illnesses fall into one of two categories:

  • Pharmacological
  • Psychotherapeutic

Samvedna Care has a multidisciplinary team of experts who provide care to individuals. Our doctors are available for online medical consultation on an appointment basis for pharmacological interventions.

Psychotherapeutic, in other words, psychological methods include various treatment modalities, such as supportive counseling, family counseling, relationship counseling and psychotherapy.

The majority of studies indicate that combining pharmacological therapy with psychotherapy is a more successful treatment strategy for major mental health issues than using either therapy alone. For more information, check out our different at Samvedna Care.

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Mental illness | Mental illness Diagnosis -Samvedna Care

If your loved one shows symptoms or has already received a mental illness diagnosis,contact Samvedna Care for information on wellness care plans, communities and counseling services available. 

You can also drop us an email at

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The interaction of structural, familial, social, and individual factors can support or hinder mental health. Heredity and other biological and psychological traits, can both increase danger and also offer protection. The physiology of the brain changes, do have an impact on several risk and protective variables.

According to research, some mental health issues may run in families. For instance, you are more likely to acquire mental illnesses yourself if you have a family member who has the disorder. However, no one is certain if this is due to our DNA or other variables, such as the environment in which we are raised or the manner in which we may have picked up our parents' ways of thinking, coping, and acting.

Depending on the ailment and how severe it is, a combination of drugs and psychotherapy may be used for treatment. Currently, most mental illnesses cannot be cured, but they may usually be effectively managed to minimize symptoms and allow the patient to engage in social, educational, and occupational settings.

Most people with mental health problems can get better. However, their symptoms may relapse, but once they learn self-care techniques and treatments with the help of mental health professionals, they are more likely to manage them.

Consult your primary care physician or a mental health expert if you experience any indications or symptoms of a mental illness. The majority of mental diseases don't get better on their own, and if left untreated, they may worsen over time and cause major issues.

Samvedna Care, G-7 Oriental Villas, Sushant Lok III, Sector 57, Gurgaon

Samvedna Care, C-13 Anand Niketan, New Delhi