Dementia Care Plans

Early signs of dementia are often confused as a part of normal aging. An initial assessment is important to identify symptoms early.

Here’s what our online dementia care plan offers

A clinical evaluation involves speaking with the patient and family members to get a detailed understanding of the problems, behavioural changes and other signs of dementia, such as memory loss, difficulties with making decisions and problem-solving skills.

Medical Consultations

Consultation with a neurologist or psychiatrist is helpful to decide which medications will help the patient. A doctor may also advise brain scans or blood tests, and conduct a neurological evaluation to understand which medication the patient requires and monitor their condition better. 

Therapy for Dementia

Our experts provide tailor-made stimulation sessions Certain exercises can help provide the necessary mental stimulation to delay the deterioration of cognitive abilities.


Psychoeducation is necessary for the patient and caregiver as it enables you to prepare for the future. The experts will provide you with information on dementia to help you make important decisions.

Caregiver Enablement

will help you understand how to manage care for your family member with dementia better, including how to communicate and handle problematic behaviours. You’ll also learn how to help with daily activities, including providing mental stimulation


It’s important for caregivers to learn how they can help their family member while caring for their own mental health. Dementia is a chronic illness which is stressful, and both the patient and caregivers can benefit from professional help.

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