An excellent talk on Sleep Disorders by Dr. Manoj Goel, Fortis Hospital was held at our centre today. This was followed by a free Lung Function Test for all the participants
The doc talked about various types of sleep disorders and the causes. Today’s discussion specifically centered around #OSA #Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Snoring). So if you snore a lot it doesn’t really mean that you are having a good sleep, it could be a physiological issue which is obstructing normal breathing. He also discussed in detail about Insomnia and the different types like Primary Insomnia due to Psycho/Social, Psychosomatic symptoms which can be managed by lifestyle modifications. The other being Secondary Insomnia which could be due to physical/mental reasons, psychiatric issues and acute anxiety, mood disorders etc. The secondary insomnia needs to be treated clinically and a doctor should be consulted for it.
5 basic tips to get a good night’s sleep :
1. 20-25 minutes of walk
2. Early morning sun for 20 minutes ( guaranteed good sleep)
3. Light Exercises
4. Avoid day time sleep, take short naps of not more than 20-25 minutes
5. Eat you dinner 2 hours before bed time
Some more advise :
1. Sleeping pills will not help in the long run
2. Mind that drink ! It will help only intially
3. Best drink to induce sleep – MILK
4. Set your sleep/wake clock
5. Meditation/ Warm shower at night helps
6. Free your mind at bed time, leave your worries behind
Here is my personal best tip from the doc ! “Cockroach doesn’t sleep at night, Human Beings should not sleep during the day”