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Insights from our Emotional Wellbeing Workshop at Great Times Club

Insights from our Emotional Wellbeing Workshop at Great Times Club

“A healthy outside starts from the inside” – This quote by Robert Urich stands true for all. Maintaining a sense of emotional wellbeing is as crucial as one’s physical health and it was only apt to have someone like Dr. Seema Rekha talk on this often sidelined aspect of wellbeing with our members.

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After giving a brief life journey, she first dealt with various stressors of the old age and how life of an elderly in a few subtle ways goes back to becoming like it was in childhood. She also talked about hopelessness and over expectations that plagues the elderly and becomes a breeding ground for many of emotional problems.

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She discussed her three universal principles of happiness and life:
1. Ignore (the unimportant or anything that takes away your peace of mind),
2. Accept (people and situations as they are) and
3. Change (when its important and impacts a large number of people).

Certain thoughts she shared were:Emotional Wellbeing 4

  • Pain is inevitable, suffering is choice.
  • It is important to forgive to attain inner peace.
  • Never forget it is you’re journey.
  • Let it flow- the negative energy.
  • Living completely in the present moment, without any worries of the past or the future.
  • Life is all about consequences of the actions one takes.
  • Being empathic and understanding is important to emotional wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing 5She highlighted the importance of being meaningfully engaged in life and the joy of giving. There was a lot of experience sharing by Dr. Seema that helped in acknowledging and understanding certain complex life issues better. Enthusiastic participation in role plays and activities were helpful in breaking the ice and also communicating the message: Being grateful for the blessings of a beautiful life.

Great Times by Samvedna is our new social and recreational club in Sector 43, Gurgaon, for members 55 years and above. Its a place where members come to get fit, meet like minded people and share their life experiences and give back to the community.

Activities at the club include fitness exercises, mind stimulation, tambola, dancing, book reviews, movies, community outreach, and talks on health management. The club has a library, computer room, visits by physiotherapists and doctors, access to board games and cards, a fully functional pantry with healthy and affordable snacks and tea and coffee on the house.

Transportation is available on select routes. There are special discounts for group memberships. The club is open Monday-Friday, 11am to 4pm. There are special classes for yoga, computers, spoken english, music and painting. We also have Bridge mornings every Tuesday and Thursday.

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