“A 68 year old lady who is diagnosed with dementia has difficulty expressing herself as she cannot find words to do so. She has slowly lost her ability to express ideas and along with it there has been a significant change in her personality. She speaks less and has withdrawn socially. The inability to express her anger and resolve the matter keeps her agitated all the time. She refuses to talk to anybody and yells at anyone who tries to approach her. She says nobody is ready to understand what she has been going through all this while.”
Care givers dealing with people with such an illness need to be careful and aware while communicating, in both verbal and non- verbal communication. It is essential for care givers to understand the importance of non-verbal communication. According to research, people with dementia receive over 93% of their information about the world through non-verbal gestures. We have put together some tips to keep in mind while communicating with someone with dementia –
Effective communication can make a difference and give your loved ones the much needed assurance and ensure their overall wellbeing. After all, it is not the person but the disease which is difficult.
We at Samvedna Care aim to help seniors live happy, active and independent lives, in the comfort of their home and community through interactive caregiving.
Samvedna Care was established in October 2013 with two complementary goals – firstly to provide quality home care services to seniors with limited mobility and social interaction due to various constraints, and secondly to facilitate stimulating community interaction and participation.
Our Dementia Care services are –